The very first day back after break was an amazingly smooth day. Went by very fast with few bumps.
Our school has welcomed two new teachers that first week back. First hiring a teacher for the 6th graders so they can be pulled out of a 3 grade combination class and get the support and focus they need. They have had a very challenging elementary career with a lot of changes in teachers and lack of skill from some prior teachers. Then, our special education teacher resigned, and believe it or not the new teacher hired for 6th grade got a dual major in special education also. So yet another change for those 6th graders... that teacher to special education, and then a second hired for the 6th grade. Although they took the change a bit rough. I ultimately believe that this will be the best option for them. I am eager to see how things turn out for the 6th graders and the new special education teacher for both elementary schools in the district.
As for our class we have begun a new positive behavior system. I still will be doing our small economy with them, as many enjoy it and truly work hard to earn their money, and love choosing their prize. I have begun a tally system: I have each students name written on the window (as we are lacking white board space and the kids love that I write on the windows) they earn a tally every time I see them doing the right thing or working hard. Or if I see someone not doing the right thing, instead of calling them out I will silently walk over and give a tally to every other student. Once a student has earned 10 tally marks they get a slip to put their name on to enter our Friday Prize drawing. After 10 tallies the student starts over trying to earn another 10. They earn tallies throughout the week and Friday, near the end of the day I draw one slip out and that person wins a prize from the drawer. With extra incentive of double tallies if they get a compliment from another teacher. After drawing the slips are taken out to start each week fresh. I will let you know how this works out for our class.
Today I spent nearly 8 hours at school today finishing grading, all sorts of stuff, AYP exams, Unit test for our reading program, on top of the typical load. After grading I was able to get everything updated into the grade book. Desks were moved around, I am getting brave and trying my first attempt at mixing both grades throughout the room. I hope we last at least one day, with as much moving around and collaborative work we do it should work out alright.
Here's to the new year and the new semester!
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