So I am all settled in England with the pups and the hubster. We just got done celebrating my birthday and then our first anniversary! It was WONDERFUL!
The Mr. is going on a 6 month deployment soon.
I got a part time all grades teaching position at the elementary school on base and start on MONDAY! EEK! I am pumped. It's a position to help where need be.
The school is very similar to my school last year, small, combined classes, close knit community. So now I have fuel for the fire of blogging! (I know, I've been bad, but REALLY with this job being part time, I cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye, that I will be more consistent, I HAVE TOO!)
I got a sweet Cricut Expression 2 Anniversary Edition for my birthday, it's still not here yet... (grr to boxes getting lost between the states and here!) but it will DEF get tons of use. My mom was a rock star and somehow got a Cricut personal, and sent it my way, I got it a few days ago and am in love, can't imagine how great the big guy will be. So I will try and post Cricut creations here upon occasion.ALL THE THINGS! CRICUT ALL THE THINGS! (all the things, is an internet meme, and accurately captures my actions at the moment) Meme

So hopefully more pictures too.
I know I am making a lot of promises here folks, but stick with me.
Oh, I want to get a sewing machine, so if you have any recommendations as what I should get, please share!
Have a Great weekend!
I am looking forward to Monday! (although I am unsure if I can get used to a full 5 day work week, after having a 3 day weekend all last year.)
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