Today I began teaching the new math curriculum the school purchased. It is the same program that was used in my student teaching classroom in 2009, which in years isn't that long ago, but it certainly feels like AGES! While I was familiar with the ideas of teaching Everyday Math, and all that goes with it, I hadn't gotten my hands on all the materials provided. I love it and the kids, although only one day in, have taken to it well. Some have used it in first grade, others are getting their first taste of it.
I like the routines and format the program uses.
This week marks the start of teaching PE for the quarter. How sad is it that I am looking forward to "comfy" clothes I can move in to wear to school?!
Sad news:
The African Snail the class had as a pet didn't make it through the weekend. He was a very cool guy the kids miss him and I know my co-teacher does too. He had been around for years, I want to say he was 6 years old? He was really starting to grow on me, I hope he enjoys his snail heaven.
The hubster and I went to our first UK Hockey Match last night! We had a team we LOVED in the states, the Idaho Steelheads. And we were happy to find the Skydome when we went to IKEA for the first time, and they have a hockey team! So last night we went to check it out, The Coventry Blaze. Its a much smaller arena than we are used to but it was a very good time. I think we'll continue to check them out.
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