The hubs and I had a great Thanksgiving weekend together (yes we both had the same time off!) it was a truly great weekend. We showered and then got back into our pajamas on Thanksgiving, we had a pj day complete with movies and pizza and ice cream, yum! We had offers to go to a few different peoples' houses to celebrate with them but we really just wanted to stay home and be lazy. We cooked up a huge Thanksgiving last year, and decided to just be slugs this year. No regrets.
Then the remaining 3 days we did a lot of sleeping in, a dinner with some friends, some meandering in the neighboring towns and tons of online shopping! We even got our Christmas tree and decorations up, although we couldn't find any eggnog to help with the festivities.
So after that glorious 4 day weekend I had to wake up and be chipper yesterday morning. Yikes! Plus we didn't stock up on Monsters (my coffee replacement until its truly cold outside), so it was a dragging morning. Once I got to school though I didn't feel all that tired, and the time went by quickly. Don't worry I still came home and took a snooze :) during the snoozing though I got all our laundry done and put away, so not a complete waste of an afternoon.
This brings us up to today. Still no Monsters to start the day off right, plus I was to sub in the afternoon, making it a full day of work! Boy have I gotten spoiled only working part time, hehe.
We are working on visualizing in Reading and I have an exert from a story to read to them and have them sketch tomorrow.
Math went pretty well today also, measuring using rulers and tape measures, they have been having a blast with this new math program. Tons of hands on activities and group work, which is really good because I have one in particular who really struggles in this area. I was attentive to her group today as I was certain problems would rise. And sure enough they did. But little did this one know that I had been watching the whole issue unfold, yay for being able to pay attention to a group when they think you are busy with another group! Any who I tried to let the group work it, the biggest issue today was agreeing on the length of the table in inches using a tape measure, I allowed all parties to explain the issue, and then our struggling friend told me we were all measuring it wrong and the answer was 33" yet was unable to explain why she thought so when asked. Turning into an argument, I suggested the group split and work as individuals if they couldn't work together, thus sending our struggler into a rant how it's always her fault, no one listens, yada yada yada. So I told her she needed to take a cube (their behavior system, start with 5 each day, each one they loose is leveled consequence), she proceeded to whine and complain pulling the "my mom is going to ground me" card. I was a bad bad teacher and ignored all the whining, being sure to help other groups/individuals, and praise the good work I saw.
Whoops sorry about the long story, just needed a bit of venting time.
Sounds like you are having a great time over the pond! Keep up the good work Teacher <3