Things are just coasting along, there's always that time after Thanksgiving and before winter break.... it's bleh time in my eyes. Thanksgiving is a tease, lets you see how great Winter Break will be but then makes you suffer through 3 more weeks of school.
I've been super busy crocheting, gifts for my family, a project for a friend whose baby is due in February, as well as a few true orders! What's that, people who want to pay for my crafts?!?! EXCITING! It's seriously fun, but keeping me busy.
Today was the National Geography GEOBEE!!!! It was fun to go and watch the older kids. We didn't hold a preliminary round as we have just 10 students in 4th, 5th, and 6th, and that's how many are needed to participate in the final round. So we jumped ahead and just held the final round this morning. The kids did a good job, and it was exciting for the 2nd and 3rd grade to watch (HOLY COW were they a good audience, sat still and quiet for an hour with NO REMINDERS!!!) they also got to see how much "fear" there is involved with answering in front of a panel with audience members. I was shocked to hear that the majority of the questions were based on the States, I was thinking it would contain more global geography.
CHOO-CHOO, tomorrow is the POLAR EXPRESS :) There is a cardboard box train set up in the library and there will be pajamas worn to school, stories read, and hot chocolate to drink.
We are also gearing up for our first test with the new math program in 2nd grade, I am anxious to see how that goes next week. This program really makes the kiddos think, and the ones who were breazing through the previous program are finding a challenge with Everyday Math, I LOVE IT!
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