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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Full Friday

Friday morning started off in full force, I was going to pay for having a weekend this week!
Got to school about a half an hour earlier than usual, to make sure I had time to get all the doors unlocked and lights on and still prep as our amazing Administrative Assistant was going to be out of town for some meetings. Got everything ready and was prepping the last few things as the students showed, I'm the morning bus duty lady and it was my morning for Breakfast/Nutrition duty as well. So I get all the students walking/running in the gym and am "racing" a few of the younger kids to get them going. Then we get through breakfast, I send the 4th, 5th, and 6th Graders to Positive Actions while the younger ones and I watch a video about bones and muscles. They LOVED the video, which asked them some review questions along the way, and they really got into answering and counting down to see if they were right. I was rather surprised in their involvement. One of our kinders was feeling rather spry and I got down to his level to tell him to keep his hands to himself and have him repeat what he needed to do, before repeating my request he thought it would be a good idea to flick me in the nose. Ignoring his behavior as I knew he only wanted a rise in me, he repeated the desired behavior and then gave me a big hug. This young man is too smart for his own good, and he cracks me up daily.
After video and breakfast we walked some laps, unfortunately some students thought running would be a good idea, which made me cringe being after breakfast. And sure enough someone ended up yaking, although no one would admit it, which worried me that someone might still feel ill. So I cleaned up while my students sat patiently watching since I couldn't send them to our room without a teacher in there. This set us back and put a bit of a rush on things but we worked it out.
On to SIPPS, I was finally able to get the kids excited about phonics and phonemic awareness, I started trying to stump them and catch them off guard. I successfully caught them 3 times out of probably 75 but they were enjoying it and I told them I was going to get more next week, so hopefully I can keep up the excitement with phonics, if you have any suggestions I am definitely open to them.
All this in only an hour! Lets just say I enjoyed my little break while the students were in music! They came back with mallets as antennae and were hysterical about how silly they were. :) Love them
The rest of the school day was pretty good, we did a language arts exercise that got them up and moving and acting out the verbs in a Space story, definitely something I will have to try again with them, gets them moving, and they think without really knowing it!
We got to work on some mapping skills with the older kids to end our day. Working together to color and discuss the elevation of our state as well as rivers. The older grades will label their rivers while we will most likely just label the capital, where we live, and the rivers near by that they are familiar with. It is great to have the chunk of time to work with our older friends though. It is cute to see how nervous the younger ones are to enter the 4/5/6 class, I had to go first :)
After waiting with the nose-flicker and his teacher after school for his ride to show and enjoying some hilarious conversation with him, I was off to meet with my Mentor. Turns out there was some mis-communication and she wasn't there anymore when I got there, so instead I enjoyed my drive through the district and home again.

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