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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Today was a great day!

Oh today was busy but it was that good kind of busy not the "oh-my-gosh-why-did-I-get-out-of-bed-today" kind of day.
I had the morning nutrition lesson for the school, we talked about our virtue of the week, courage and what that means. We then played one of our favorite games, red light, green light.
Academics went pretty well today too! One of my boys who really struggles with English was talking a considerable amount more than usual and was eager to participate in Math, he was proud of himself too! It was great, I love seeing them make strides!
And on top of this, I had my constant behavior struggle boy have a pretty decent day, I felt like I didn't have to say his name nearly as much! In turn we were both happier ending our day!
Tomorrow is my first run at a field trip with the kiddos, granted it is only to the High School to partake in a workshop about bullying. Still it is an adventure outside the school testing the students self control and I am sure they will attempt to push buttons along the way. It will be a good trail run for us before we make the trip up to the city next Friday to explore the Zoo for the younger kids, Discovery Center for my students and 6th graders and the History Museum for the 4th and 5thers.
I have been slacking with my posts and really hope to turn that around, I spent some time in the class on Sunday getting some small things done that make the room feel a little more like home, hanging more student work and rules we have agreed upon together and some reference posters.

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